


AI Telegram Bot with Python

Categories: AI, Bot, Products, Telegram|

Do you need a Telegram bot to support AI models? You are reading the right post. This bot is what you want. Believe me, you won't regret choosing our bot. Our bot uses Python 3.10, which Python version is used widely and is supported by many hosting platforms. If you use our bot, you will earn these advantages: High scale availability Easy to use Easy to config One step to start the bot Update usually Disadvantages? No. We always aim for the best version of the product before releasing it to you. Bot price: 50$. Do you need us to [...]

Mega Slider (MD Slider) – Drupal ^9 || ^10

Categories: Drupal, Products|

Mega Slider (MD Slider) module is now available on Drupal ^9 || ^10. Version 1.5.  Lastest Update 4 December 2023 Demo here: https://drupalporto.estar-solutions.com/ Download here: https://www.drupal.org/project/md_slider Easy solution for any slider on your website. Mega Slider (MD Slider) is responsive slider module with touch-swipe navigation. Friendly admin user interface and powerful timeline manager, you can add text, image or video and create fancy slider. Highly customizable slider for Drupal ^9 || ^10. DEPENDENCIES BACK-END

Porto Theme & MegaSlider- Drupal 9 || 10

Categories: Drupal, Products|

Porto Theme is now available on Drupal ^9 || ^10. Porto is a professional and multipurpose Drupal theme for any business or portfolio website. It’s fully responsive design ready to look stunning on any device. Lastest Update 4 December 2023 Demo here: https://drupalporto.estar-solutions.com/ Price $49 for the full demo version including Porto theme and Mega Slider of settings. $49 BACK-END PREVIEW

Google Maps Crawler

Categories: Products, Windows App|Tags: |

WINDOW UI APPLICATION for collect unlimited place data from Google Maps. It supports exporting CSV file and very light to use. Instruction : How to use it ? Very easy. Enter how many place you want Maps Crawler collect for you, what type of palace or name of palace. After entering both of the above, press "Start Crawler" button. When Maps Crawler has been finished and you can export CSV file from Maps Crawler or clean data table for new crawl. Requirements: Operating system Windows 7, Windows 10 + MS .NET  framework 5.x Have an active internet connection Features [...]

MLM Commission WordPress Plugin

Categories: Products, WordPress|

MULTI LEVEL MARKETING (MLM) is a WordPress plugin. Supports payment methods such as Paypal, Softort, Payrexx and Stripe coming. Demo Here Download Plugin Last Update 01 Oct 2021 Version 2.1 $999 [wpecpp name="WP MLM Plugin" price="999" align="left"] If you want to install it on your server, We can help with that, the fee will extra $50. How It Works So if your website MLM has Membership Fee is $1200. Upline Level 1 Commission is $400. Upline Level 2 Commission is $500. The user 'A' joins as a downline member to 'MLM'. When 'A' pays the membership fee $1200, 'MLM' [...]


How to pass cross domain from iFrame ?

By |January 11, 2024|

The javascript in the parent window: // Create IE + others compatible event handler var eventMethod = window.addEventListener ? "addEventListener" : "attachEvent"; var eventer = window[eventMethod]; var messageEvent = eventMethod [...]

Maps Crawler is updating to new version.

By |June 19, 2022|

We are working on updating the new Maps Crawler to prevent Google from changing its page structure, which stops Maps Crawler from working. Register to receive notifications when we release [...]

Review Maps Crawler

By |November 1, 2021|

MAPS CRAWLER IS a good app , this app help me extracting so much addresses details that i can't do it on google maps, but sometimes the speeds of Maps [...]

Maps Crawler Ver 1.0.5

By |October 22, 2021|

MAPS CRAWLER VER 1.0.5 has been released! In new version : Improve performance Crawl faster than older version Fix bugs Update new version now!

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